Trauma Informed Leadership I is the first tier of the certification series.  This is a recording of the session that took place virtually through Zoom on February 1st, 2023.  

This session includes the Series Introduction & Neuro Mechanisms.

This tier is designed to help participants understand that our brains don't work the way we think they do. The magic of the brain is not found in the parts it is made of, but in the way those parts work together. We think we see the world and ourselves as we really are, but we miss quite a lot and inaccurately assume a great deal more. This introductory tier is about the brain and neural mechanisms the brain uses to help us navigate our world. This session serves as an essential foundation for the remainder of the series.

Las prácticas restaurativas de la Autoregulación nos permiten cuidar el sistema nervioso y el cerebro, restaurando nuestra integridad natural y nuestra brillantez. Estamos cultivando la FACILIDAD donde se lleva a cabo el aprendizaje. Cuando el sistema nervioso está equilibrado y el cerebro recibe una mayor circulación, se activan las partes del cerebro relacionadas con el aprendizaje. Salimos del modo de supervivencia. Cuando nos sentimos seguros y conectados, el cuerpo puede entrar en el estado restaurativo de autoregulación.

Aprende la ciencia y las prácticas de la Autoregulación. Desarrolla estrategias personales de autocuidado que puedes usar en cualquier lugar para sentirte mejor y apoyar la salud cerebral. Descubre el poder de la co-regulación y cómo el estado de tu sistema nervioso puede afectar a quienes te rodean. La serie de 9 lecciones te ayuda a anclar las prácticas restaurativas como fundamentales para el cuidado.

The restorative practices of Self-Regulation allow us to care for the nervous system and brain - restoring our natural wholeness and brilliance. We are growing the EASE where the learning is done. When the nervous system is balanced and the brain receives more circulation, the learning parts of our brain are activated. We come out of survival mode. When we feel safe and connected the body can enter the restorative state of self-regulation. 

Learn the science and practices of Self-Regulation. Develop personal self-care strategies you can use anywhere to feel better and support brain health. Discover the power of co-regulation and how your nervous system state can impact those around you. The 9-lesson series helps you anchor restorative practices as foundational to care.